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Indian Himalayan Metagenome Database

The database is a valuable repository for intrested researchers studying the microorganisms within the Indian Himalayan Region. The Indian Himalayan region comprises various unique ecological habitats such as hot springs, glaciers, forests as well as distinct human settlements and their cultural ethics which imparts significant importance on their research, sustainable utilization, and its safeguarding. IHR is home to the flourished microbiome, which has been explored extensively using metagenomic analysis of diverse habitats such as lakes, geothermal hot springs, glaciers, caves, the gut microbiome of endemic fauna, the rhizosphere microbiome of endemic flora as well as the food microbiome of traditional and ethnic culinary of native residents of western Himalayas. These metagenomic studies have revealed the potential of the discovered microbial genomic resources which have a variety of applications i.e from the production of industrially relevant enzymes to deciphering the ecological role of the microbial community under extreme conditions.

AutoQii2 Pipeline

We have also developed a pipeline for 16S amplicon-based analysis “AutoQii2” that can be useful for generating datasets with the user's options. QIIME 2 is an open-source bioinformatics pipeline for performing microbiome analysis, however, This developed pipeline will be helpful for QIIME 2 users to analyze the data effectively and comprehensively. Click for more details (GitLab)

States Wise


Hypervariable Region (HVR)